It's been my birthday last Friday. I'm blessed with a partner who's interested in my hobby. So he said to me: "How about getting an airbrush for your birthday? So you can paint without seeing brushstrokes on your work?" To be honest I never researched the advantage of using an airbrush for this. After he said that I spent a week on the...
For the exterior of the house I want to do something with brick. With that in mind I went to a local craftshop for painters. I needed a light material, thin, because I don't want a visible thick layer of 'something' on the outside. I found cork! And I love it. It's 1 mm thick and can be cut with a scissors or...
29 February 2016 After being away for a long time I've decided to start again with creating miniatures. I've sold most of my miniatures during the past months with the idea to quit with this hobby. It was a nice try haha, because getting rid of my miniatures only made space for new creative ideas en inspiration. I've bought a new project. Nice...