
Paint & Air


It's been my birthday last Friday. I'm blessed with a partner who's interested in my hobby. So he said to me: "How about getting an airbrush for your birthday? So you can paint without seeing brushstrokes on your work?"

To be honest I never researched the advantage of using an airbrush for this. After he said that I spent a week on the internet. Using google, reading articles, watching YouTube. I liked what I saw and read. Last Friday we 'crossed' our country and went for an 1,5 hour drive to a store which is specialized into airbrushes. I must say that I entered a new world and I fell in love immediately.

Painting with an airbrush pistol is not so easy. You need to get the feeling of how much pressure/air you give it and next how much paint you want to spray. The pictures below show my first project. A cabinet which I will probably use in the bathroom of my new project. The cabinet was shiny mahogany red wood. First I sprayed it with primer as you can see at the second picture. After that I used a mat grey finish.

Next project will be painting the windows of my miniature house.

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